Tips for Staying Safe on a Family Beach Vacation

Tips for Staying Safe on a Family Beach Vacation
Family beach vacations are a great time. They are full of sand, splashing, sun, ice cream, and, best of all, bonding time. They do pose some risks, though. While beach getaways are generally safe, you do need to be careful when it comes to swimming in the ocean and sun protection. If you have young children, it’s also crucial to make sure they stay close to you.
To have the best beach vacation you’ve ever had, use these tips for keeping yourself and your family safe.
Take Breaks
It’s easy to forget to take breaks when you’re spending time on the beach. With so many exciting things to do in San Diego, Miami, and other hot beach spots, you can be tempted to spend the whole day in the sun. Don’t do this. Without any breaks, you risk sunstroke and dehydration. Instead, take regular breaks from the sun each day – even if that means heading back to the hotel for a few hours.
Pay Attention to Warning Flags
Beaches have warning flags for a reason, so pay attention to them. If the flags say it’s not safe to swim, then it isn’t safe to swim, so don’t go in the water – no matter how calm it may appear! Be sure to look up what the country’s beach warning flags mean so you can read them properly.
Use Lots of Sun Protection
One of the biggest risks of beach vacations is sunburn and sunstroke. The best way to avoid this is to use lots of sun protection. It’s never too much! Cover yourself and your family in a high SPF and wear long-sleeved clothes, along with other sun protection gear like sunglasses and hats. You should also stay out of the sun during the middle of the day (as that is when it’s at its hottest).
Don’t Dive Straight In
Don’t assume you know how deep the sea is. Before you or your family dives in, check out the depth. It’s usually a good idea to stick to spots where other people are swimming and diving, too, as they are more likely to be safe.
Choose a Meeting Spot
Losing kids on vacation is any parent’s worst fear. In case one of your kids wanders off and gets lost, choose a meeting spot to meet at in case you lose each other. You should also make sure everyone has a phone to contact each other in situations like this.
Avoid the Booze
Unfortunately, beaches and alcohol don’t go hand in hand. While a single beer on the beach before heading back to the hotel isn’t a big deal, you should avoid getting tipsy while hanging out on the beach. It could lead to sunburn, dehydration, and even drowning if you go into the sea.
Always Carry Water and Snacks
It’s crucial to stay hydrated while on a beach vacation. Wherever you go, carry plenty of water and snacks for the entire family. Don’t leave it in your bag, either – drink plenty of that much-needed h2o!
Stick Together
To stay safe on your family beach vacation, you should stick together. Don’t let anyone go off alone – even if they’re a newly-turned teen and want a bit of independence. It’s easy to get lost in a new place, so keep an eye on everyone at all times and have a great time as a family.