Perfect Time to go for Kidney Function Test

Kidney Function Test
All the organs in our body are responsible for one or more critical life functions. Just like all the essential parts of a car must be in good condition to give a good mileage, to maintain good health, the organs in our body must perform their functions well. Regular monitoring of the condition of our body and its key components is essential to be forewarned of any illness about to come our way.
The kidney is among the most important organs and its job is to filter out the liquid wastes from our body. Sometimes, kidneys can develop certain abnormalities and this can affect their functionality. If undetected for long, the condition of your kidney can deteriorate your overall health to a great extent, even leading to a complete failure of the organs. This is why you need a kidney function test. This test is an efficient technique to ensure that the kidneys are functioning properly. It helps a doctor determine the treatment course you need. In severe cases, such as irreversible kidney failure, a person may need a kidney transplant.
Excessive use of medicines, smoking, salt intake in excess and low water consumption are some of the reasons that cause kidney-related issues. It is often a standard procedure for doctors to recommend a KFT test if the patient is suffering from an illness such as weakness, fever, high blood pressure, hypertension, etc. In most cases, the blood sample of the patient is used for a KFT test but sometimes a urine sample may also be tested for specific parameters. A urine sample test is only suggested by the doctor when there is a need to get a detailed diagnosis of a particular problem related to the kidneys.
It is important to know more about the symptoms of kidney disease so you can determine the correct time to get the KFT test done. Let’s tell you about the common symptoms related to kidney disease.
- Problems in passing urine
This is the most common symptom faced by a majority of people who are suffering from a dysfunction in the kidneys. While some people feel a continuous burning sensation while passing urine, others may experience discomfort when they are not able to fully pass urine. Both of these symptoms are an indication of kidney failure and must be treated immediately. Anyone facing either or both of these issues must get a kidney function test.
- Extreme vomiting and nausea
When our kidneys lose their functionality, our blood starts to accumulate harmful wastes. This waste is known as Uremia and it increases the concentration in the blood. You may then start having a feeling of nausea and vomiting. In such a case, the blood needs to be filtered through dialysis. If nausea and vomiting are ignored, their prolonged occurrence may lead to extreme and sudden weight loss as the patient experiences reduced appetite.
- Changed urine colour
If the urine discharge has a red, brown or purple colour, it can be a clear symptom of kidney dysfunction. There can also be blood discharge with urine in case of advanced kidney abnormality. In case of this symptom, the patient must take immediate medical help and in most cases, the doctor will immediately prescribe the KFT test to diagnose the functioning ability of the kidney. The treatment process will depend on the test results.
- Increased foam in the urine
When a person is experiencing kidney failure, the urine may contain more foam than normal. It is a sign of excess discharge of useful proteins along with the urine. Continuous discharge of foamy urine requires medical attention at the earliest along with a need to get a kidney function test done. The treatment procedure is decided based on the test results.
- Bad breath
Bad breath is not always a symptom that indicates bad dental hygiene. You can also have the problem of bad breath in case of a dysfunctional kidney. In such a scenario, your breath might mostly smell like ammonia. If you are facing such a problem, you must opt for this test at a path lab near you, at your convenience.
Some other symptoms that may indicate a kidney dysfunction and require this test are:
- Fatigue or weakness
- High blood pressure
- Swollen Hand or Foot
- Frequent stomach upset
- Persistent itching
- Breathing difficulty
- Chest pain
These are some of the critical and common symptoms a person may experience while developing kidney failure. You may have a few or all of these symptoms but you should get a kidney function test to determine if you require medical assistance. Your medical practitioner will prescribe the course of treatment you need to follow and will also advise you to make some lifestyle changes. These would include leading a balanced life and including healthy food in your diet along with the medicines.
You can get a kidney function test done in your city at a reliable diagnostic lab near you, or one recommended by your physician. KFT price starts from Rs 585 and may go up to Rs 1000, depending on the number of parameters tested and the diagnostic centre.