What Makes Cable Railings Best to Use in Your Home Construction?

What Makes Cable Railings Best to Use in Your Home Construction?
One of the biggest trends in home construction, particularly regarding building decks and other viewing areas on top floors, is cable railings. These are a great alternative to traditional wood or metal railing. They are made with an interwoven steel cable that can be installed at any angle and is often used on curved staircases, decks, and balconies. In fact, they add character and shape to a building and are often used to create the look of a railing without the weight or effort of installing and maintaining a traditional type of railing.
Here we’ve explained what cable railing systems are and why they are preferred over traditional railings.
What are Cable Railings?
Cable railings are a type of safety railing made up of steel cables that run parallel to the stairs. The cables are anchored to the wall at both ends and attached to a railing, typically wooden in between. They can be used on stairs with any incline, but they’re most common on straight staircases.
Cable railings are generally a secondary barrier to a more traditional railing, such as on balconies and decks. They’re most commonly used in pairs, with one cable railing on each side of the steps. The biggest benefit of cable railings is that they can be less expensive than other safety railings because they don’t require posts or crossbars that would have to be attached directly to the wall. This means that when using cable railings, you don’t need to worry about the material your home is made of or special attachment systems needed for concrete walls or brick homes. A cable railing will work on any type of surface where you need safety protection for your stairs.
Here are some of the significant advantages of using cable railings;
Cable Railings are Sleek, Simple, and Beautiful
Cable railings are sleek, simple, and beautiful. They’re a stylish choice that can add character to any home.
Cable railings are also strong and durable. Because they don’t have any knots or joints in the wood like other types of wood railing, they won’t splinter or rot out over time. In addition to this durability, cable railings are easy to install because they don’t require brackets or connectors like other types of a wood railing. They come pre-assembled with cables already connected to each post. You won’t have any additional steps before installation except for attaching them to your deck posts or whatever structure you want to be attached. It makes cable railing extremely easy for do-it-yourselfers who wish for an attractive alternative to traditional wooden railings but aren’t up for tackling complicated projects on their own.
Cable Railings Are Customizable To Your Home’s Needs
No two homes are alike, so why should every railing system be? Cable systems allow homeowners flexibility by letting them choose from several different sizes, styles, and colors available through one supplier, then having those systems installed by qualified professionals at a reasonable price. Hence, there’s no need to worry about getting ripped off by shady contractors who’ll charge you an arm and leg just because they know what side of town you live in.
Less Obstruction to the View
A cable railing is the best option for homeowners because it is less intrusive than a traditional railing. Cable railings are a thin profile that blends in with the rest of your deck and doesn’t block views as traditional railings do. Cable railings are also lighter than solid wood or metal, so they won’t weigh down your deck structure and make it more prone to collapse in high winds or heavy snowfall.
Cable Railings are Safe
Cable railings are solid and durable. Also, they are quickly inspected and flexible, making them ideal for curved surfaces. However, they are still sturdy enough to withstand high winds, heavy snowfall, and other environmental elements that can affect your home’s exterior.
Many assume that cable railings must be heavy because they appear sturdy, but this isn’t true. Because their design comprises thousands of strands, they’re quite lightweight compared to traditional wood or iron railings. You won’t need to hire a professional builder just because installing these types of railings is challenging to work.
Keeps Cost Low
Cable railings bring down the overall cost. It is because the materials used in creating them are economical and less expensive than other types of railings. Cable railings can be used in both residential and commercial settings, making them very versatile. They are also easy to install, meaning you won’t have any trouble with this part of your project if you manage it yourself or hire someone else for this purpose.
Cable railings are made using steel cables linked together at regular intervals using metal clamps or brackets. These clamps hold each cable securely into place while allowing enough movement so that they don’t stress out over time due to constant use or abuse. Whether you choose one-inch thick steel tubing or three-inch thick galvanized steel pipe for making your cable railing system will depend on how much space between posts and whether those posts need reinforcement before being attached with strong bolts where required.
Easy Maintenance
Cable railings are easy to maintain and clean. The cables don’t rust, chip or crack, so paint is not needed. In addition, the wires are flexible and can be moved out of the way during maintenance if necessary.
Part of the Design
Cable railings are an excellent choice for homeowners who want to make safety a top priority. They’re often used as part of the overall design in homes and offices, making them an attractive addition to your home’s architecture. Cable railings come in various styles, from sleek and simple to ornate and detailed. The beauty of cable railings is that they can last for years without needing maintenance or replacement parts. They’re made from steel, so they’re strong enough to hold up under any weather condition, rain or shine.
The best thing about cable railings is that they are a part of the design. They are not an add-on feature like other types of railings; instead, they blend in with your home’s existing architecture to provide you with a safe and secure railing system while still looking fabulous. No matter what style or look you want for your home, cable railings can help achieve this goal by providing a modern twist on traditional railing systems.