What To Do If You Lose Your Apartment Door Key

What To Do If You Lose Your Apartment Door Key
If you have lost your apartment door key, don’t panic. It happens to everyone. Sometimes, you just have those days where you misplace your keys or even your phone and wallet. Thankfully, there are several things that you can do to get back into your home.
Check to see if you can get your hands on a spare key from your landlord.
The first thing that you should do is check to see if you can get your hands on a spare key. If so, you can simply use the spare key to unlock the door. Perhaps your landlord might have one or the property owner. Or maybe you have left a spare key with your family member or friend. You’ll want to ask around to make sure you have other options before trying to break in somehow. It’s not uncommon for landlords or property owners to keep a spare. Some apartment buildings will keep extra keys amongst maintenance staff in case repairs are necessary. Think about whether anyone else has keys to your apartment door locks.
Call a locksmith.
If neither your apartment building nor landlord can help you out, another option is to call a locksmith. The locksmith can open the door for you, and they will be able to replace the lock if necessary. Even with an existing deadbolt, locksmiths typically have no issues drilling away at your apartment door lock and allowing you to enter. Keep in mind that after you call a locksmith, you will need to find your keys. You can’t just leave your apartment door unlocked. In the event that you don’t find them, it’s your responsibility to get a new lock instead to ensure that your apartment is safe.
Get your door locks replaced.
Thankfully, there are plenty of service providers that can install a new apartment door lock on your behalf. If you choose smart locks over traditional locks, then you can guarantee extra security and easy installation by choosing a reputable brand.
The best way to avoid break-ins, theft, or other intruders is to ensure your apartment door security. Whether it opens through a sensor, a keypad, or additional locks, you should speak to your property manager about using the best lock to avoid break-ins. Even though you’re only a renter, any damage to the apartment technically affects their property as an investment.
Find a place to stay for the night.
If you’re out late and there isn’t a locksmith available, it may just be easier to find a place to stay for the night and deal with the key situation in the morning. It can be frustrating when you’re ready to go to bed after a late night and realize you’ve lost your house key or locked yourself out. If you’re out and there isn’t anyone available to help, it may just be easier to find a place to stay for the night and deal with it the next day. You can try calling a friend or family member to see if they can help you out and if you can stay with them. If you’re unable to get into your house, you may have to try and open a window or use a credit card to jimmy the lock. Whatever you do, don’t attempt to force your way in or you may end up damaging the property.
It can be difficult to deal with a lost set of keys at your apartment complex, especially if there are no other spare keys available with property management. Installing smart locks is the best way to ensure that you’ll always have a means of entering your apartment door even when you lose your keys. With new innovations in terms of access control, traditional locks are no match for smart systems.