5 Foods to Strictly Avoid During Pregnancy

5 Foods to Strictly Avoid During Pregnancy
A mom-to-be might have a craving for all kinds of mouth-watering dishes. During pregnancy, cravings can be caused by changing hormone levels in the body, nutritional deficiencies as well as a heightened sense of taste and smell. However, it is important to be extra careful with what you consume, as this has a direct impact on the health of your baby. There are some foods and fruits to avoid in pregnancy, for the best health of your baby. Be sure to consult your gynaecologist and dietician about what you can and cannot eat. They might prepare you a diet chart, so that it is easier for you to remember the list of foods that you are allowed to consume. Here are five foods to avoid during pregnancy.
Fish that contain mercury, such as mackerel and swordfish, should not be part of your diet. Consuming excess amounts of mercury can lead to brain damage and can cause certain developmental delays in the baby. If you’re really fond of seafood, you can choose options like tuna, salmon, and catfish, which have very low mercury levels.
Raw Meat and Poultry
Pink or raw meat contains toxoplasma parasite, along with harmful bacteria like salmonella. This increases the risk of food poisoning. Toxoplasma causes flu like symptoms and eating raw meats can lead to toxoplasmosis after a few weeks of consuming. This can spell many complications during pregnancy and should be avoided.
Unwashed Fruits and Vegetables
Among the things to avoid in pregnancy are unwashed fruits and vegetables, as these may contain toxoplasma, which can harm the development of the baby. Toxoplasma contaminates the soil of fruits and vegetables. You may also ingest harmful microbes if you eat them without washing. When choosing the fruit to eat, you should also know which to avoid. For instance, pineapple contains bromelain, which breaks down protein and can send you into early labour.
Excess Caffeine
Excess caffeine can increase the chances of low birth weight or even miscarriage in the worst cases. Many studies also show that caffeine can lead to premature birth or withdrawal symptoms in children. You can try switching to decaffeinated alternatives of your cup of morning coffee. Else, it’s a good idea to replace caffeinated beverages with healthier alternatives like fruit juice, lassi or buttermilk.
Canned Foods
Canned foods should be avoided by expectant mothers. The lining of the food cans contains Bisphenol A (BPA), which can harm fetal endocrine activity and cause ailments in a pregnant woman. Instead, choose fresh foods. For instance, it is better to have fresh tuna instead of the canned version, as this may contain significantly high levels of mercury, while the can itself may have BPA. Avoid canned fruits in pregnancy as well.
You can also search for various risks related to PCOD and PCOS, along with pregnancy related matters, to know more about your body. Maintaining a healthy diet during your nine months of pregnancy is important as the nutrition is not just for you, it is for your baby too.