attitude status in English – Colonial News Magazine Read breaking news and entertainment to sports and politics, get the full story with all the live commentary Mon, 31 Dec 2018 10:54:23 +0000 en hourly 1 attitude status in English – Colonial News Magazine 32 32 Facebook Attitude Status in English or Hindi | FB Attitude Status Sun, 12 Aug 2018 10:53:43 +0000 Attitude is something that define you. In a different version, it completes you and with attitude you can treat people with different perspectives. Facebook being the common platform for everybody, people choose to show their Facebook attitude status version to define them.

People are looking for statuses to put on their Facebook profile. So, here we made a list of some best attitude status for fb profile:

Facebook attitude status in English

  • If people have a problem with you, always remember, it is THEIR problem.
  • You will find a girl prettier than me, smarter than me, and funnier than me, but you will never find a girl just like me.
  • People who have High And Unnecessary attitude, deserves the Standing Ovation of my Tallest Finger.
  • Single is not a status. It is a word that best describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others!!!
  • I’m not heartless, I just learned how to use my heart LESS.
  • Please don’t interrupt me while I’m ignoring you.
  • 90% of the time I say ‘BRB’ it just means I don’t want to talk to you anymore
  • Excuse me. I found something under my shoes oh its your Attitude.
  • Good friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, impossible to forget.
  • A Bad Attitude Can Literally Block Love, Blessings And Destiny From Finding You. Don’t Be The Reason You Don’t Succeed.
  • Everyone has an annoying friend. If you don’t have one, it’s probably you.
  • If You Have A Positive Attitude And Constantly Strive To Give Your Best Effort, Eventually You Will Overcome Your Immediate Problems And Find You Are Ready For Greater Challenges.
  • Don’t Dare To Copy My ATTITUDE ,Because You Can’t Handle Its NOTORIETY.
  • I Enjoy When People Show Attitude To Me Because It shows That They Need An Attitude To Impress Me!
  • Two Things Decide Your Attitude: What You Think Of Yourself, When U Have Nothing And What You Think Of Others, When You Have Everything.

Fb status king

These statuses below will depict the attitude of a person like he is a king. Many people tend to use attitude status for fb profile pic and some in facebook status attitude.

  • Two fundamentals of cool life – Walk like you are the king OR walk like you don’t care, who is the king.
  • Smile in front of people who hate you. Ur happiness kills them.
  • Don’t be happy. I don’t Really forgive people, I just pretend like it’s OK and wait for my turn to destroy them.
  • I talk to myself because i like dealing with a better class of people.
  • Born with winner Quality’s LEGENDS don’t die.. I am a LIVING EXAMPLE!

Facebook status attitude in Hindi

  • 😒#कुछ✌🏻 इस😎 तरह😉#बूनुगा☝🏻 अपनी💪🏻 #तकदीर के 👉#धागे📿 #अच्छे 😏अच्छे✌🏻 को🖖🏿 #झुकना♿पड़ेगा👆🏻 😎#मेरे 🙋🏻♂ आगे !!
  • अब #मतखोलना ❌ #मेरीजिंदगी 😎 की #पुरानी👉 ##किताबों 😏 को, #जोथा 😒 वो मैं #रहानहीं, #जो हूँ 😎वो #किसी को 👥 #पता_नहीं☝ !!
  • लड़कियाँ 🙎 👱🏻♀ मेरे 🙋🏻♂#Aттιтυ∂є 💪🏻 से #जलरी🔥 है और 👨🏻 #दुश्मन 🙋🏻♂मेरे तेवर ✊🏻से😎 _बाकी☝🏻 तो पूरी 🌍 #दुनिया ☀#धूप से #जलरी 🔥है !!
  • आदत हमारी खराब नहीं बस जिंदगी थोड़ी रॉयल जीते है
  • लहरो को खामोश देखकर ये ना समझना की समंदर मे लहरें नही है हम जब भी उठेगे तूफान बनकर उठेगे. बस उठने की अभी ठानी नही है.
  • मेरी GF बोली की तुम्हरी आदते अच्छी नही मैने कहा बेबी शरीफ तो बच्चे होते हैं हम तो दादागिरी में ही अच्छे लगते है.
  • शिकार तो सभी करते हैं लेकिन नवाबों से बेहतर शिकार कोई नहीं करता
  • क्यूट सा चहेरा मेरा कमीनी सी नज़र तेरी इतनी प्यारी हु में के कही नज़र ना लगे तेरी

Facebook status attitude about boyfriends

  • Everyone says they can’t find the perfect guy…Well..I’ve found the solution..nobody can find the perfect guy because I have the only one!
  • I don’t need Prince Charming because I already have someone who’s a million times better
  • We may fight and disagree at times but what would love be without a little imperfection.Threw everything we stay strong <3 i love you always and forever
  • When you hold my hand, I feel warm inside,when we hug, I don’t wanna let go,when we’re together, I never want it to end.
  • Every girl says they can’t find the perfect guy…Well..I’ve found the solution..they cant find the perfect guy because I have the only one!
  • I can be having the worst day of my life but the second I am in your arms my problems seem to fade away

Facebook status attitude about girlfriends

  • MAINE US ‪#‎pagli KO ‪#‎propose KIYA TO WO ‪#‎hanskar JANE LAGI, Maine BOLA KUCH TO BATA K JA. #pagli BOLI JA DE DE ….‪#‎p∆rty APNE DOSTO KO
  • अगर बेवफाओं के सर पर सींग होते.. तो मेरी वाली आज बारासिंगा होती. -बेदर्द आशिक
  • It’s okay if you don’t like me. Not everyone has good taste.
  • Sweet as sugar. Cold as ice. Hurt me once, I’ll break you twice.
  • I may not be the best, but I know that I am not like the rest.
  • Be a girl with a mind, a woman with attitude, and a lady with class.
  • A girl doesn’t need anyone who doesn’t need her.

It was all about cool facebook status attitude, attitude status for Fcaebook profile and more.

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